Laboratorio di Fisica Applicata Ingegneria

Department Laboratorio di Fisica Applicata Ingegneria


GUARNACCIA ClaudioDirettore
ROSSI DomenicoMembro
GRAZIUSO GabriellaCollaboratore


The Engineering Applied Physics Laboratory welcomes the activities of the Applied Physics group of the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Salerno, which operates in the applications of Physics to Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Architecture.

Among the main objectives of the group is the study of effects on the environment of different physical agents (acoustic, electromagnetic, radioactive), both from a theoretical-modeling and experimental point of view. In this context, the DICIV Laboratory of Engineering Applied Physics is a fundamental logistical support for research and teaching activities. It was founded by prof. Joseph Quartieri and is currently directed by prof. Claudio Guarnaccia.

The LAFIN Laboratory has several operating offices, one located on the second floor of the E1 building, Invariant 9C (Archibus code FINV 9C P02 050) and another located on the second floor of building 7, composed of two rooms (Archibus codes FSTEC 07 P02 052 and FSTEC 07 P02 053).


The LAFIN is equipped with various hardware and software facilities. In addition to several workstations, equipped with desktop computers and local and external network connections, there are also measuring instruments related to the study of environmental, architectural and building Acoustics, as well as electromagnetic fields. A non-exhaustive and continuously updated list of instrumentation for acoustic measurements is given below:

  1. Analyzer sound level meter FUSION, produced by 01dB
  2. Multi-channel analyzer sound level meter NetdB12, produced by Areva,
  3. Multi-channel analyzer sound level meter, produced by Sinus
  4. Audio chain, composed by:
    1. Microphone Areva, MCE 212 Model
    2. Preamp GRAS, 26CA Model
  5. Audio chain, composed by:
    1. Microphone Larson Davis, LD-2541 Model
    2. Preamp Larson Davis, LD-PRM902 Model
  6. Calibrator CAL21, produced by Larson Davis
  7. Dodecahedron OMNI12, produced by Areva
  8. Kundt tube
  9. Hydrophone set, composed by:
    1. Hydrophone AS-1, produced by Aquarian Scientific
    2. Hydrophone preamp, Aquarian Scientific, TARIC 8544.20 model
    3. Audio interface for hydrophone Focusrite scarlett 2i2
    4. Tascam DR100 MKIII digital recorder
  10. SET – Soundscape Explorer Terrestrial produced by Lunielettronik

Research activity

The LAFIN laboratory deals with developing of modern and innovative applications of basic and advanced concepts of Physics to problems of Civil, Environmental and Building Engineering. The research issues most investigated are:

  1. Development of forecasting models for the prediction of the acoustic noise produced by transport infrastructures;
  2. Application of time series analysis models and other forecasting models to engineering data;
  3. Use of the acoustic emissions technique for non-structural diagnostics and monitoring of materials and structures in opera;
  4. Application of propagation models and analysis of the indoor acoustic climate in order to improve performance and optimize the use of the analysed rooms.

With reference to the development of forecasting models, LAFIN has been involved for years in the theoretical-experimental investigation of the environmental impact of acoustic noise, with particular reference to transport infrastructures. In fact, several models have been developed for the prediction of traffic noise with a "micro to macro" approach that allows for very realistic predictions. Furthermore, the research activity of the Laboratory is aimed at studying the main parameters of the indoor acoustic climate with particular reference to the reverberation time, which can be calculated with empirical formulas or experimentally measured with laboratory instruments, the "Initial Time Delay Gap" (ITDG), the "Speech Transmission Index"(STI), the "Early Decay Time" (EDT), etc.. This type of analysis can also be conducted by means of dedicated forecasting software, which allow to model the analysed room and to characterize it from an acoustic point of view. Experiments are also performed on the use and development of the Acoustic Emissions (AE) technique for non-destructive diagnostics and for the monitoring of materials (reinforced concrete, prestressed reinforced concrete, steel, etc.) and existing structures. In particular, the sensitivity of the most relevant parameters is usually analysed, such as the "Signal Strength" (SS), the "Cumulative Signal Strength" (CSS), the "Felicity ratio", the "historic index", the "b- value ", etc ..

The Laboratory is also open to students of the Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering for the Environment and the Territory and Building Engineering-Architecture programs for carrying out the internship activities and for processing of bachelor and master theses.

Third parties services

The Laboratory LAFIN performs activities for third parties for:

  • the acoustic impact assessment (in the forecasting phase and as verification on site);
  • the assessment of acoustic climate;
  • testing the passive acoustic requirements of buildings;
  • the assessment of noise and vibration risk in the workplace;
  • the measurement of the acoustic absorption coefficient by means of a standing wave tube (Kundt tube).
