Premi per la ricerca

Ricerca Premi per la ricerca

Foto di MESSINA BarbaraMESSINA Barbara
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile/DICIV
Best Paper Award 2022 - United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Paper selezionato nell'ambito del XX International Study Forum "World Heritage and Ecological Transition"
Benecon - Unesco Chair - Italia
Riconoscimento attribuito per l'elevato valore scientifico
Foto di CUOMO SabatinoCUOMO Sabatino
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile/DICIV
Ringo Yu Award
for the excellence of the results in the “Class A Prediction Symposium on Debris Flow Impact Forces on Single and Dual Barriers” (8-9 May 2022, Centre for Slope Safety, Hong Kong)
Centre for Slope Safety, Hong Kong
for the excellence of the results in the “Class A Prediction Symposium on Debris Flow Impact Forces on Single and Dual Barriers” (8-9 May 2022, Centre for Slope Safety, Hong Kong)
  Fonte dati IRIS-RM